The Bridge of No Return, located inside the Joint Security Area, crosses the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) and separates South Korea from North Korea. This location has also been at the center of controversy and conflict between the two countries who are technically still at war.
The Military Demarcation Line, or MDL, runs through the center. Guard houses can be found on each side. The North Korean guard house is known as KPA#4. The United Nations Command guard house is known as CP#3.
Both countries exchanged prisoners using this bridge from the end of the Korean War in 1953 until 1968. In 1968, the crew of the USS Pueblo was released here after their ship was captured by North Korea. This was the final time prisoners were exchanged.
North Korea continued to use it until the Axe Murder Incident in 1976 in which two United States Army officers were killed. The use of the bridge was discontinued after the incident.
Today, the United States Army holds ceremonies at the center of the bridge for soldiers who are promoted or reenlist in the army
Last Updated on Jul 13, 2023